UTS Kuring-gai Campus Bushland Management

University of Technology

UTS Kuring-gai Campus Bushland Management, Lindfield

 Land Management & Rehabilitation, Eco Construction, Professional Advice & Reporting

Project Description

In 2009, Southern Habitat was engaged by UTS to consult and implement bushland management works to assist in the Deed of Transfer of UTS land in Kuring-gai campus to DECC, with remaining UTS land allocated for residential development.

Our Works

Since 2010, our works included

  •  Preparation of a detailed works methodology, works program, performance criteria and project costings for bushland management of both the bushland interface and the walking track/fire trail
  • Conduct extensive weed species audit and establish baseline data
  • Implementation of primary works using our recommended weed control methodologies to ensure satisfactory control, suppression and eradication of identified weeds
  • Establishment of an Asset Protection Zone
  • Removal of large trees within immediate confines of sewer trench
  • Soil erosion and protection
  • Brush matting to reinstate organic matter and soil cover
  • Revegetation
  • Implementation of a 5-year maintenance program using recommended secondary weed treatment methodologies
  • Reporting & Monitoring